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How to upload a document

This guide will help you upload a document through Emerald Technology EOR platform. This is applicable for Emerald Technology Clients and EOR employees.


In order to sign a document using Emerald Technology EOR platform you should:

1. Login into your account and browse to your actions items list inside your Overview or to your Document section.

Upload Document 1
Action items list on the Overview section
Upload Document 2
Document list on the Document section

2. Clicking on the action item or on the document name on the document list will lead you to the document details page. In this page you upload the document.

Upload Document 3

3. Using the Choose file to upload button, on the right, you’re able to select a file from your machine.

Upload Document 4

4. After clicking the Next step button, you must confirm the file details. Once you do, your document will be sent to Emerald Technology for approval.

Upload Document 5

5. At all times, you can find your document status under your document section. You’ll be notified once the document gets updated.

Upload Document 6

If the document gets declined, Emerald Technology will provide you reasoning and you are able to re-upload a new file.

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