Uruguay offers both public and private healthcare. The public healthcare system is known as Administration of State Health Services (Administración de Los Servicios de
Salud del Estado, or ASSE). Larger ASSE hospitals are located in most cities within Uruguay, and most towns have smaller clinics and hospital auxiliaries. The ASSE system
runs based on small monthly contributions and also serves residents on low incomes who cannot afford monthly payments. Those who can afford monthly payments will find
the process of enrolling much more straightforward than private healthcare, due to the lack of restrictions based on age or pre-existing conditions.
There are further options for private healthcare; the most common being the Mutualista healthcare option. To be able to use this, an application must be made to become a
member and a monthly fee paid. This provides free primary healthcare but typically, emergency dental work, optometry, and psychologist appointments are not included, and
an additional payment will need to be made for these services.
The other option would be a private insurer, which most foreign employees choose.