Working Time and Overtime:
The working week in Bahrain tends to vary between 40 and 48 hours depending on company policy. In the month of Ramadan, the working day is reduced to six hours and legally this should apply to all staff, but many companies only apply it to Muslims who fast during daylight hours. Friday is the Muslim rest day, but some companies with a five-day workweek give off either Thursday or Saturday. Saturday is often the most popular choice for international companies as taking Thursday off would mean a reduction in the number of operational days in common with much of the rest of the world. Conversely, other companies insist on Thursday, as the school ‘weekend’ is Thursday and Friday. Workers are not to be present at the workplace for more than 11 hours per day. This includes working hours plus rest breaks. Overtime: Employees should do a maximum of 2 hours overtime per day. During the day employees should receive their wage + 25%, and during the night this is raised to 50%. Senior managers are exempt from any overtime pay.